Welcome to the City's Frequently Asked Questions page where you can find answers to commonly inquired about topics. Explore the FAQ library below by keyword search or by filtering by department.
Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I find out if any registered sex offenders live in my neighborhood?
Information on registered sex offenders is available via the California Megan's Law website, www.meganslaw.ca.gov.
How do I find out the status of my case?
The best person to call is the officer or detective assigned to your case. If you know the officer’s name, call (805) 461-5051 and request to be transferred to their voicemail. Leave a message referencing the case number and your specific question. Please note, due to varied shift schedules, it may be several days before the officer is back at work and available to research the case.
If you don't have the case number or the officer’s name, call (805) 461-5051 and we’ll get you the information needed so you can leave a message with the appropriate officer.
How do I get a burn permit?
In partnership with the Western Fire Chiefs Association, Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services is utilizing the Outdoor Debris Burn Permitting System to provide a user-friendly, free, online way for residents to obtain important information.
The online system allows staff to see burn locations on a daily basis, immediately notify users of changing conditions, message important fire safety information, ensure that those planning a burn are aware of the rules and regulations and that the right jurisdiction is being notified of the planned burn.
If you live outside of the city limits, contact the San Luis Obispo County Fire Department at (805) 543-4244 or other department with jurisdiction over your property for burning regulations and information.
How do I get a case number for something I've already reported?
You can get a case number for an already reported incident by calling Dispatch at (805) 461-5051. We will need to know what kind of an incident occurred, and the date, time, and location in order to look it up for you.
How do I get a copy of a police report?
Access to police reports is restricted. If you feel you are entitled to a copy of a police report, you will need to complete a report request release form. If a juvenile (under the age of 18) is involved, an additional or different application form may also be required along with the juvenile's birth certificate. You or your insurance representative/attorney may also request a copy the report for a fee. Please contact Dispatch Unit at (805) 461-5051 for more information.
A report release request form can be completed online by clicking here, or you can print the form and submit it to the Atascadero Police Department at 5505 El Camino Real.
How do I get a ticket signed off?
If you've received a “fix it” ticket you may have it signed off at the Atascadero Police Department at 5505 El Camino Real by an officer. When you come to the police station, please bring your ticket, photo ID, and your repaired vehicle. There will be a citation sign off fee payable by cash or check only.
Please see the City's current Fee Schedule for more information.
How do I get a “good conduct” or clearance letter?
In order to receive a "good conduct" or clearance letter, you must be a current or past resident within the jurisdiction of the Atascadero Police Department. You will need to present a valid state issued photo I.D. and provide your home address in order for us to run a records check. The clearance is for an Atascadero Police Department database search only, and is not checked by fingerprints.
How do I get licensed for a vacation rental?
Please review the Atascadero Vacation Rentals handout which includes general standards and steps to follow for vacation rental licensing. Once you've completed the necessary steps and your business license has been approved, HdL, the City's third party administrator, will contact you.
HdL can be reached at atascaderotot@hdlgov.com and (805) 242-4395.
Fill out the home occupation business license here.
How do I get my juvenile record sealed?
In order to have a juvenile record sealed please contact Juvenile Probation at (805) 781-5300 to start the process.
How do I know when the inspector will be onsite for my requested inspection?
Call the Inspection Hotline at (805) 466-8099 the work day prior, before 5 pm, to be scheduled for the next work day. This is a voicemail system only; leave the site address, permit number, inspection request and site contact. You may include a request for AM window or PM window scheduling and/or a call ahead from the inspector. The inspectors do their best to accommodate these requests. Inspections are conducted M-F 9-12/1-4 (except holidays). Fire Department Inspections are to be scheduled through the Fire Department (805) 470-3300.
How do I learn about recent permit activity?
Visit the Permit Activity Reports page.
For other questions regarding a permit, please call the Community Development Department at (805) 461-5035.
How do I pay my Cannabis Tax?
Fill out the Business Tax Certificate Application and mail or remit with your payment to:
City of Atascadero
Attn: Administrative Services
6500 Palma Avenue
Atascadero, CA 93422
An appointment is needed for in person payments at City Hall. Please call (805) 461-5000 to schedule an appointment.
Cannabis Tax payments are due to the City on or before the last day of the following month after the quarter ends: April 30th, July 31st, October 31st, and January 31st.
How do I pay my Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)?
Please visit the HdL payment portal.
How do I place an Ad in the Atascadero Recreation Guide?
For general pricing and ad sizes please refer to our Ad Rate Flyer. For additional information and questions, please email recreation@atascadero.org or call 805-470-3426.
How do I register a gun?
The Police Department does not register firearms. Private gun dealers can complete the necessary state forms for you for a fee.
How do I register for a class that’s already started?
You will need to contact the Recreation Division at (805) 470-3360 or email recreation@atascadero.org.
How do I register for a class?
To view available classes and activities and to register click here.
How do I register for a Zoo class/activity?
All current City classes, including the Zoo's programs, can be viewed by clicking here.
How do I rent areas at Heilman Park?
Please contact SLO County Parks at www.slocountyparks.com or call (805) 781-5930.
How do I rent the Colony Park Community Center (CPCC) Gym?
If you are interested in renting a space at the Community Center, please call (805) 470-3426 or email recreation@atascadero.org.
You can also visit the Colony Park Community Center page.